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Soul Embodiment-Yutori Life 

Garden Pagoda

What you will gain from 8 week Awakening Soul Embodiment:

  • Powerful mind shifts and get you clear on who you are and what you want in life. Your clarity, self- confidence, awareness, sense of direction, drive and passion will increase exponentially.

  • Yutori tools that bring you back to sustainable inner peace.

  • Help you back on your feet and create new YUTORI life with purpose, confidence and self-love through mindful living, which can lead you to successful endeavors and achievements.

YU-TO-RI (Japanese), ゆとり
Intentionally slowing down to simply be, to breathe, listen and appreciate the beauty of nature and life. Consciously creating space to relax, reflect, and integrate rather than being constantly busy or rushed. 

Are you ready to...

  • Let go of fear and concerns how your life should be and shouldn't be because you care about people too much.


  • Let go of trapped feelings of anger, resentment and sadness for not getting what you want in life. ​

  • Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can feel more excitement in life?


  • Stop sacrificing and losing part of yourself in the "hustle and bustle" culture and rat race life. 

  • Live simply and dedicate life what's really important for you.


Purple Blossom


The Awakening Soul Embodiment Program

 is for you!

Studying at Home

In this 8-week program you will:


  • Get in touch with your core, north star to be able to listen and hear what you really at this time of your life. 

  • Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world

  • Find what is really causing you get stuck in life. 

  • 1 hour along weekly lesson with soul work with Yutori tools  (15-20min assignment with a partner )

  • Finding and releasing what is getting you stuck.

  • Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

"Let go of quest for perfection, instead accept the beauty and opportunities lie in all of life's imperfections."

Smiling Girl


Discovery Call (30min)


Yutori Life Coach, Ako

Promo until August, 31, 2024

90min x 8 Sessions
 with a
30min Sound Bathing session
30min Deep Brainwave Healing
(You save $195)
with Ako

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Monthly Partial Payment for
90 x 8 Sessions

$550 X 3 Payments


30min Distant Reiki
(You save $60)
 with Ako

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